The Painting Game the latest
Oh what a struggle to move from looking to something else. That something could be analysing shapes back to their limits, somehow finding the essence of the image, expressing emotions, or something as yet unrealised.
Reading about David Bomberg and his insistence on being part of the subject, “spirit of the mass”, I tried a new approach today and my current “something” is physical experience, for the horse it is the rough messiness and raw power that comes with the sublime beauty of the animal.
Today, 7th October, I found a looseness and abstract approach, though it still looks figurative. Getting more relaxed about the paint Dare I say. But it is still a leap.
A week or so later, making one of these little paintings each day as “drill”, but now it is making more sense as I look at other half finished pieces and think how I could approach them with more awareness of shape and colour. Anyway here are three more of the recent little pieces.